Thursday, 19 February 2015
It's the Apocalypse!! :) Get me out of doge!!!!!! (CHEMICAL SHIT STORM WATCH DAWGZ R US)
It's the apocalypse!!! :) The rock'em, sock'em, bop-o-lips! It's not a fitness to keep a fit. And its can be a sickiness, if when it get twisted. Manic machines come down, it's not so funny once something, or whatever it was that I forgot was important then, got started. They came down for gone, forgo deposit. We don't own a person so no need to dodge it. Get me out of doge! get me the fuck out of doge! The hodgy podgy insolent, insolvent, closet.
THe jerky jerks and the jerk infested works!! It donn't even hurt, be-yawned, the blasmphemy gone beserk. Were bored and tired robots out of habit, orbiting around your anus. Uranus! haha its not even a planet like that dead dog pluto, sooo famous !and fuck him. noT rather not have dog my crotch.
No more sad works, sordid sap and the like! Fuck you and I do not want to like any plastic toy! for I am guilty of robotic joyism's but not filthy, as it were.
What has been regurgitated or re-hatched here? Nothing new to stew on for even a brew! Yammerrred!! on at nothing, yet noting... yet still escaping, everyI,thing in the ignoring, furiously. Oooh , have we not forgot our social place? are we victim to our existential vunerability, abilities?
Why your so imfaomus as to be famous!!! and to you! you are so famous as to be an ignoramous!!!! and you kind one, you are so infamous as to be the most intelligent one on the block! No you bloke! that ones the killer!
OR is it!? THRRIILLLER!!! yeah night of the return, of, the never ever never, after never land, returned their living dead back to the living, so they can start giving, and stop forviving and have something even worth bringing forth. For the alter of death just laughs and your chemicals crossed in your cross eyed storm of bordom revoked revenged and smudged and curmudgeoned wonder.
We were plundered, but not of our own doing. WE werre taught how to be our own undoing, and that is a false, falsify, fuck lie of death diseases,smudging of blashe-meme-ing words. degre-de, phenome seizures! The culture siezed your phenomes but what of your pheramones of the mona lisa smile gone wrong!!!!!!, who owns a deposit on *that* of your smell. WHo made a parfum , parfume!! No! IN DOG! WE DO NOT FUCKING TRUST!! WHat!? In doge we trust!!! be proper! Dog breath purfume is the rage but not yet the crave!
Blasphemers!!j namer callers!! funny runt fiends!!!! Who is the queen? Sure not misanthropic vommit garbage trying to make a mysanthropic image of woman to be.
Luckily the universee is indiferent to men, so fuck them!!!! WHo are the lucky ones now fucker, but hey it was a trapping of a story,,,yeah in genisis, it was all the problems of the puny fucking world, are just cause some bitch didn't do what she was told!
oh and the scold and the gold made STRAIGHT from a mans bottom!!! OR HAVVE WE FORGOTTON!!?? nO IT WAS NOT GOD CRAPPING THAT CREATED LIFE AS WE KNOW IT, IT'S MORE POLITE TO CALL IT A CHEMICAL SHIT STORM!!! So open your mouth guys, cause for once, this shit don't stink!:) mmmm,,, just ask the other customers!! just like spring water!!! :) double thummb up, but not for the father, this time for the mother than we see where we can go and not blame the man mean men anymores anyhow, and hey, for what it's not worth, we didn't create reality but woman give birth to life. So all the wars going on are a disgrace to human race. Until the face comes back with the historic re twist of history grace, of flesh which we can have no one word, yet we are in a word, and in a weiird, place, wired, queered, who hears the quearies here? I have lost my place and my basis.... can you find me? I have got lost in the good guy bad guy thing.....can we start over? ok
THERE AINT NO GOOD GUY, THERE AINT NO BAD GUY, THERES JUST YOU! AND ME! AND WE DISAGREE!!!!! AND i HAVE A FUCKING GUN POINTED AT YOUR FUCKING HEAD RIGHT NOW! Do you believe in god, doyou disbelievey in god, you are a siinnderrr ,,, you arahfrights ffirthgss fright and wrongs,,a,ssss,sss fyou you dnkow whaat is rightsa ans dwrongs,,, whhat are righs and wrongs,,... what are rwrtitings on theh wsallsss,,,, walslss wallss walls walls walls walls walls wallls walls walls walls walls walls and how do you inerpret,make heads or tails, god and tails, taisls are what girlsrzr made upf guys are what gurls are meadde of and guys ararwe you what girls arme makeup? awhawit si this genatic makeup! and am I a genetic sister or borherther not a plunderrueerrr errorr errorr error pluner errorr error, plunder, errorr errror,, do tn tod poeple bad,,, dotnodo others harming htmemselfsxes,,,,'t do others harming themselvews.!!! Djont do others! harming themselves!!! Don't do others!! harming disaming themselIves,aa sidis disaster, disarm yourself, helpless, yelp, obthother, truth ,,,ssistskmomfwedaw life world plusder dteathh fucked H . How are you today? do you need a nap? are you tired! yeah, jI've just been brushed in the tieeehth up mhy face in my crack crammmmmmmmmm sady wich furutheiuring the discormorts. cum forts ....dis comfort,,,,,,,,
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